Welcome to 100% Fishing...

When I look back over the years and reflect back Dad used to take me out fishing with him and some of his mates. The enjoyment of just being with himas he caught the one that got away and the outrageous stories that followed.
Growing up in a region like Canterbury meant fishing was alot more difficult than the regions who have access to ready available reef structures and abundance of marine life. Herrings and the odd kahawai would be the most common and easily fished species for all kids who want to get out on a pier such as Newbrighton which thanks to our city council has opened this fishery to the likes of myself, friends kids and tourists. All along the banks of the Avon river are seated areas for family picnics while watching the young at heart fishing under a relaxed atmosphere.

A lovely Salmon

The thrills of a newby out of a fantstic day down Twizel has hooked her largest fish weighing in at 5lbs.
After battling with this powerful fish on a 6ft 6" spinning rod filled with 6lb monofillment line tis well conditioned
salmon was landed. We were all shocked to find the line had wrapped around the fishes gils and snapped away leaving the hook still in it's mouth, close but landed.